divendres, 16 de setembre del 2016

Ted Talks: Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit

Angela Duckwort is a teacher who chose being teacher to find the real secret of learning and teaching .firstly, let's look at the problem we have, Angela's students who are at seventh grade aren't at the same level. But the result isn't related with their IQ. There are more effective factors than being best in IQ. The studies and observations which was maden by her shows the key f success isn't only IQ, talent or pshysical health. The most important thing is having an emotion. It is exactly grit.

As she says Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals . Grit is having stamina. Grit is living life like it is a marathon, not a sprint. And I agree that IQ is not the only difference between a best and a worst student. At the same time this really sorrowful that we know very little thing about building grit.

Duckwort concludes her study knowing that grit is the key factor that marks a succesful student, but, what these words mean? To teachers signify that they duty as educators is that they have to find that grit in their students and feed it, make it bigger and stronger with the main objective to make their apprentices persever in their school life, adult life and even as better human being. Students too, have their responsabilities and the principal is to not waste their grit. For me grit is determination if you have determination in life anything will resist you.