dimarts, 16 de maig del 2017

Chelsea FC new premier league's champion

Antonio Conte and his boys lead a relly good season this year in the english football league, with hard work, intelligence and strategy the blues finally won a premier league championship after more than five years.

This team is not as visual as others but with a solid base and a "catenazzio" way of playing Chelsea become the fastets team of the principal europe leagues to become this season champion.

Players like Kante, Hazard or Costa are the stars of the team that already celebrated they victory with the club staff and their families in a dinner in the center of london, where celebrities like David Becham where present.


Aproximatlety one month ago Kendrick Lamar, compton's famous rapper, released his third studio album leaded by TDE. Artists like Rihanna, U2 or Mike will made it worked in this project too.
Lamar lunched this new album with 14 songs within it.

In this new album Kdot tells us his self history and path from wickedness to weakness, the artist left all his insecuryties and feelinsgs in this last work.

Crytics said that with this new job Lamar self-crowned the king of hip hop of actuallity and entered in the top 5 of all history, the truth must be told, this rapper is above all of his generation, his lyricism and his way to lead the audience into his song is simply magnificient, he's just a genius.

DAMN has veen sold around the world and its songs leads the prestigious Billboard's list, DNA, humble or loyalty are just bombs that Lamar released and the feedback from the audience its just growing and growing. Social medias like instagram, facebook or twitter covered its feeds with Lamar's images and information about the new album.

There's only good things waiting for this rapper fans, by the moment we will stay listening to DAMN


dilluns, 15 de maig del 2017


Aproximatelly a year ago The King of Blues, guitarist and singer BB King, died. He was 89 years old.
He influenced a generation of rock guitarists and was one of the world’s best guitarists. King performed in at least a hundred concerts a year.
Recently, he had an illness and people took him to hospital. Earlier this month, he said on Facebook that he was in hospice care at home. He died in his sleep in Las Vegas. These were extremelly sad news for whole music world that continue crying his death, the dead of a genius.


Resultado de imagen de bb king

dissabte, 13 de maig del 2017


Exercising causes the body to produce endorphins, that can help a person to feel more peaceful and happy. Exercise can help some people sleep better. It can also help some people who have depression and low self-esteem. Exercise can give people a real sense of accomplishment and pride at having achieved a certain goal.

People who exercise burn more calories and look more toned than those who don't. In fact, exercise is one of the most important parts of keeping your body at a healthy weight.

Plus doing exercise is so funny there are some sports you can practise: Football, skateboarding, basketball, handball, lacross, karate, boxing ... There are a lot of exercises you only have to find the special one. Actually I practice kick boxing and definitely it allows you to get relaxed and spare your time in a good way.



A hobby is something that you enjoy doing and do during your spare time such as sports, arts and crafts, a job maybe, gardening, teaching, building, etc. Hobbies can include collecting themed items and objects.

A hobby is an activity that is done for pleasure without looking for a profit, my hobbies are reading, watch tv series and practise martial arts.

How to find a hobby?

Everyone has some free time, every person has already one o two hobbies whether they know it or not, nut exploring new ones can give us a fun new experience, we only have to remember to just focus on being happy.

Nowadays I'm very focused on reading wuxia and xanxia, adventure light novels based on typical chinese mythology. My favourite light novel is Martial God Asura, It tells us Chu Feng (the mc) path on becoming the best expert in his martial world.

Resultado de imagen de chu feng mga

divendres, 12 de maig del 2017

My favorite subject

History is my favorite subject, I think is so interesting, if you know history you have a better understanding of the world. My favorite period of history is Italian Renaissance. I this period the whole world changed thanks to the geniusses who lived in Italy, they brings us new ways of life, art, architecture and more. Da Vinci was the face of the Renaissance he is an ispiration for a lot of people in the world.

Resultado de imagen de da vinci

dijous, 4 de maig del 2017

Human rights NEW


Twenty-two years ago, the first post-apartheid elections happened in South Africa. Nelson Mandela became South Africa’s first black president. Now the 27th of April is a public holiday that people call South Africa's Freedom Day.

Mandela remained president until 1999, and he guided South Africa from apartheid to a multi-racial democracy. He is an icon of peace and for the struggle for justice around the world. He died at 95 years old at his home in Johannesburg in December 2013.

In the West Bank City of Ramallah, Palestine, people unveiled a 6-metre-tall statue of Nelson Mandela. It is the first statue that South Africa gave to another country. It is part of a relationship between Ramallah and Johannesburg. The statue sits in a square named after Mandela.

I chose this new because Nelson Mandela was the alive reprsentation of human rights, he is an inspiration, a lesson of auto sacrifice and conviction, a true hero.

A bronze statue of the late former South African President Nelson Mandela, Pretoria

divendres, 28 d’abril del 2017


The human rights are a moral and inalienable principles that all the persons take for the simple fact as being human beings. There are a list of 30 rights for every person in this world.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on December 10, 1948 by United Nation General Assembly in Paris. UDHR was made after the world was saturated with atrocities by promising that war and conflict of such kind would never exist. At the time when the countries were badly devastated by World War II UDHR was crafted looking beyond the world of war and accepting the right of all individual to live in peaceful environment

The 3rd right says that every person has the right to life, liberty and security of person. This, means that anyone has the right to end a life or break his freedom. Also, it menas that each person in this world has the right to feel secure.

That right is one of the most broked every day in every country of this world, nowadays still being war prisioners, slavery and white slave traffic. There are too many people killed or abused every day.

Slavery Is Everywhere

There are tens of millions of people trapped in various forms of slavery throughout the world today. Researchers estimate that 21 million are enslaved worldwide, generating $150 billion each year in illicit profits for traffickers.

Labor Slavery. About 78 percent toil in forced labor slavery in industries where manual labor is needed—such as farming, ranching, logging, mining, fishing, and brick making—and in service industries working as dish washers, janitors, gardeners, and maids.

Sex Slavery. About 22 percent are trapped in forced prostitution sex slavery.

Child Slavery. About 26 percent of today’s slaves are children.

Slavery today is a hidden crime, making it harder for the public to see and for those in slavery to call out for help.

Just as Locke said the population ''made'' a deal with the government that has to protect our freedom, rights and lives no matter what. Every government has to be more strict and try to end this because every life is precious and irreplaceable.

Resultado de imagen de actual world slavery  Resultado de imagen de slaves

dijous, 30 de març del 2017


I don't know if my soulmate is a boy (bestfriend) or a girl (girlfriend), but I think that a soulmate has to be the person you share your life with. So Im going to introduce you an hypothetical soulmate:

So she might be a beatiful girl, not a model but she has to attract me, I don't mine about her physical characteristics, she could be dark or fair soft skin or olive-skinned either, as her hair, it could be blonde or brown or black, I really don't mind, the only thing that I consider essential is that this girl has to be shoerter than me and her character, I prefer sociable and energetic girls that could be happy and funny as polite and classy as well as loyal to me.

Normally I prefer girls that are of my same age but probably in the future I will prefer younger chicks so I can't define an age now.

Another important thing os that we'd better have some thing in common but not a lot because this could be boring in the long-term.

Therefore this is my description of the girl of my dreams, a beautiful, sincere and generous and lovely woman, an amazing person.

divendres, 17 de març del 2017


in a closed relationship fidelity is just essential for it tor work, Fidelity is based in trust, trust in your partner that has to be reciprocal to keep the couple in good terms. If you really love your couple you won't cheat on her or him. I consider cheating an unforgivable thing, people must be loyal in a relationship.

Also there are more important facts that marks the well being in relationships, things like respect, romanticism, passion, empathy are too key factors that keeps your parter by your side.

It is said that love is a primordial life factor that one find by chance and has to cultivate gently and piecemental to preserve it long life.

It's true that maybe love and relationships are overstimated  but every person that had fell in love will say that love worth it.

 Personally I do not like being in a closed relationship  because I don't feel true love for any girl so I prefer to be free without any restiction or obligation.

dimecres, 8 de març del 2017

NEWS: Mexico’s ancient drink makes a comeback

This new show us pulque the drink of the ancient Aztec gods. Pulque is an old mexican alcoholic drink, it was very popular in past, there was mor than 1000 pulquerias only in Mexico City, but with the coming of the Spaniards and their beer Pulque passed to a second plane and fastely had been forgotten, but the past few years this drink has been gaining popularity and again the pulque business has launched and already provides benefits. 

According to Donnie Masterson “You can sit there and drink pulque for hours and you just don't get drunk,” and “Then you get up to leave and realize your legs don’t really work right. Your mind is completely clear, but your body doesn’t work.”

I think it sounds intteresting... Should we prove pulque in class miss?

pulque, Mexico City, La Botijona bar

Coconut pulque on ice. 

dimarts, 7 de març del 2017

mobile phones

Lately the obsession for the mobiles phones has increassed a lot. We have them on all time, with the arrival of internet on phones came the massive use of app's that now can do almost everything and whether, besides that  we jointed with teenagers that became a jungle. So there is an advice, turn off your phone and see the life you're living. I have noticed myself the disavantages that my Iphone brought to me, it make me being clueless, inattentive in class and home so it reduces my performance being harmful to me.

Resultado de imagen de iphone