divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2016


One of my favourite genres of music is reggae, it make me feels calm and animated at the same time, the songs themes are very interestings and the rythm is cool too.

Reggae born in Jamaica in 60's, was influenced by traditional mneto, calypso music and american jazz, reggae uses the bass guitar for bring the rythm as well as other instruments.

The most iconic reggae's musician is Bob Marley, one of my idols, his songs bring me out of that planet, he talks about peace, equality, fun and love. Everybody should listen to this music once, it won't dissapoint you.

Resultado de imagen de marley

dijous, 13 d’octubre del 2016

Fifa ultimate team

Ultimate team is a game mode of the videogame FIFA 16, consists in creating your team from scratch: based on nationality, league and club of the players, playing online games or against the AI and trading with players you can get your own dream team. With the game currency, FIFA coins, you can buy several player packs that are sold in the market, you can play auctions too and try too get cheaper players or sell your players either. The objective of building a strong team is to rise to the first division and win the final tournement, it is played online so you will have to upgrade your skills and your way of playing every match. It is a competitive multiplayer mode so I love it. That hooked me, I think i'm an addict; just joking this is my team now:

News: xbox one

Well, on the last years the new technologies had increased the world of videogames, one year ago the "next gen" has launched and the new videoconsoles came to market. PS4 and Xbox One brings us a new a new spectacular vision of video games. Recently I bought the Xbox One and I can say that this is awesome. If you like video games I really reccomend you this stuff. In this month Microsoft will launch a new IP exclusive for it console. This competition with Sony for being the best corporation of the industry it's just fatastic for players that are rewarded with a lot of new things every months. 
