dijous, 30 de març del 2017


I don't know if my soulmate is a boy (bestfriend) or a girl (girlfriend), but I think that a soulmate has to be the person you share your life with. So Im going to introduce you an hypothetical soulmate:

So she might be a beatiful girl, not a model but she has to attract me, I don't mine about her physical characteristics, she could be dark or fair soft skin or olive-skinned either, as her hair, it could be blonde or brown or black, I really don't mind, the only thing that I consider essential is that this girl has to be shoerter than me and her character, I prefer sociable and energetic girls that could be happy and funny as polite and classy as well as loyal to me.

Normally I prefer girls that are of my same age but probably in the future I will prefer younger chicks so I can't define an age now.

Another important thing os that we'd better have some thing in common but not a lot because this could be boring in the long-term.

Therefore this is my description of the girl of my dreams, a beautiful, sincere and generous and lovely woman, an amazing person.

divendres, 17 de març del 2017


in a closed relationship fidelity is just essential for it tor work, Fidelity is based in trust, trust in your partner that has to be reciprocal to keep the couple in good terms. If you really love your couple you won't cheat on her or him. I consider cheating an unforgivable thing, people must be loyal in a relationship.

Also there are more important facts that marks the well being in relationships, things like respect, romanticism, passion, empathy are too key factors that keeps your parter by your side.

It is said that love is a primordial life factor that one find by chance and has to cultivate gently and piecemental to preserve it long life.

It's true that maybe love and relationships are overstimated  but every person that had fell in love will say that love worth it.

 Personally I do not like being in a closed relationship  because I don't feel true love for any girl so I prefer to be free without any restiction or obligation.

dimecres, 8 de març del 2017

NEWS: Mexico’s ancient drink makes a comeback

This new show us pulque the drink of the ancient Aztec gods. Pulque is an old mexican alcoholic drink, it was very popular in past, there was mor than 1000 pulquerias only in Mexico City, but with the coming of the Spaniards and their beer Pulque passed to a second plane and fastely had been forgotten, but the past few years this drink has been gaining popularity and again the pulque business has launched and already provides benefits. 

According to Donnie Masterson “You can sit there and drink pulque for hours and you just don't get drunk,” and “Then you get up to leave and realize your legs don’t really work right. Your mind is completely clear, but your body doesn’t work.”

I think it sounds intteresting... Should we prove pulque in class miss?

pulque, Mexico City, La Botijona bar

Coconut pulque on ice. 

dimarts, 7 de març del 2017

mobile phones

Lately the obsession for the mobiles phones has increassed a lot. We have them on all time, with the arrival of internet on phones came the massive use of app's that now can do almost everything and whether, besides that  we jointed with teenagers that became a jungle. So there is an advice, turn off your phone and see the life you're living. I have noticed myself the disavantages that my Iphone brought to me, it make me being clueless, inattentive in class and home so it reduces my performance being harmful to me.

Resultado de imagen de iphone

dissabte, 4 de març del 2017

One Piece

One Piece is a manga of Eiichiro Oda a Japanese mangaka that tells the history of Luffy D Monkey a pirate that dreams with make a band and find the One Piece the treasor of Gold D Roger the legendaire pirate. The manga has already more than 700 chapters and is one of the most populars and reated mangas around the world. My favourite character is Zoro, a swordsman with superhuman strength, he is the first person to join Luffy to the band and his best friend, I love this manga because it teach us the worth of courage, friendship and loyalty, I've been reading this manga since I was eight so it is barely a part of my life now.

Resultado de imagen de luffy

dijous, 2 de març del 2017

the witcher 3

The witcher 3 is a video game that tells the history of Gerald of Rivia who is a witcher that lives some fantastic adventures with dwarfs, humans, kings, witches, and a lot of different monsters.
The videogame is based in the books of Andrei Sapowski and after the launch of the game both became more and more popular, I recommend this videogames for RPG players because is simply a masterpiece. When I played the games it encourage me to read the books so it was doubly amusing to learn about Gerald because it was like bring to life the books, I think that the fact to can do this is simply amazing.

Resultado de imagen de gerald the rivia

Big Ben

Known as Big Ben, the famous clock of the Houses of Parliament has become one of the most famous images of London, and one of the main symbols of the city.

The tower, built in 1858 next to the new Palace of Westminster, is a peculiar building 106 meters high built in a Gothic style with four huge clocks located on their faces.

Although usually when we talk about the Big Ben we refer to the Clock Tower of the Parliament Building in London, this designation is not entirely accurate, as the Big Ben really is a huge bell of 14 tons found inside the tower.

The clock tower Big Ben, consisting of a clock seven meters in diameter on each of its sides, was launched in May 1859. Today it has become a symbol of the nation and its bells are transmitted daily by radio station BBC.

This is one of the most reliable watches that exist, because it is able to withstand the weather like snow or wind, and even endured the World War II, maintaining its timeliness intact.

Although there are few occasions when Big Ben has suffered incidents in punctuality, British citizens can not forget that New Year's Eve 1962 in which they entered with 10 minutes late in the new year due to some technical faults produced in the Big Ben.

Big Ben de noche

NEWS: Iran jets bomb Islamic State targets in Iraq - Pentagon

Troops of the USA had been seen in the air space area again. According to a Muslim witness the air forces strikes directly without warning. The air strikes wasn't coordinated with iraq. The ministers of each countries will meet and discuss ways to arrive to peace.

Smoke rises behind an Islamic State flag in Diyala province, Iraq, 24 November 2014


dimecres, 1 de març del 2017

NEW: Doctors weigh in on dangers of Wi-Fi signal exposure

Shannon Moore from Fox5Vegas introduce us a new tech issue that we have to bear in mind, microwave radiatons which come from cellphones, IPads, or laptops could affect us if we are exposed to a large degree, specially to little ones that haven't developed completely their head bones and brains, because of that, experts explain that we must warn us from radiatons using the airplane mode and turning off WiFi signal. That can prevent us of suffering cancer, infertility, etc.

I think that we should take care about that beacuse it's a real danger that could affect us in our daily life if we haven's got any knowledge about that issue.
